Meghanad Diagnostic Centre is a diagnostic lab located in Pune.
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Tests/Packages Price (INR)
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test 100
AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Culture Test 500
Albumin Test 150
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test 100
Amylase Test 450
ASO Test 450
Beta HCG Test 600
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test 50
Blood Group Test 60
Blood Sugar Test 60
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test 150
Calcium Test 150
CBC / Hemogram Test 300
Chloride Test 100
Cholesterol Test 100
CK-MB Test 700
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test 600
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test 300
Dengue IgG Test 500
Dengue IgM Test 500
Dengue NS1 Test 800
Electrolytes Test 500
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test 100
Folic Acid Test 850
Globulin Test 150
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) 300
HbA1C Test 600
HBsAg Test 300
HCV Antibody Test 450
HDL Cholesterol 100
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test 80
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis 1800
HIV Test 500
Iron Test 350
Kidney / Renal Function Test 1100
LDL Cholesterol 100
Lipase Test 500
Lipid Profile 600
Liver Function Test (LFT) 600
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) Test 300
Platelet Count 100
Pregnancy Test 100
Renal Profile 1100
Stool Routine 100
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test 275
T4 (Thyroxine) Test 275
Thyroid Test 550
Toxoplasma Test 400
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test 250
Urea Test 150
Uric Acid Test 100
Urine Routine 70
VDRL Test 150
Vitamin B12 Test 1000
Vitamin D Test 1200
VLDL Test 150
Widal Test 150
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