Neurologist Covers
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- Nerve and Muscle Disorders
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- Brain problem
- Neurologist near me
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- miracle cure for psp
- parkinson disease in marathi
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- Chronic pain
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- Pain medicine
- Polysomnography
- Repair csf rhinorrhea
- Vagus nerve stimulation ( epilepsy )
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ect)
- Stroke
- न्यूरोलोजी संबंधी बीमारियों में आमतौर पर बोलने में अंतर आना
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- मांसपेशियों का कठोर होना निगलने में कठिनाई आदि लक्षण पाए जाते हैं। न्यूरो संबंधी अधिकांश बीमारियों का निदान प्रारंभिक अवस्था में संभव है।
Harshit Vasudeva
Best doctor in tricityI visited Dr Aman few days back.He is a keen neurologist,extremely talented and has knowledge of good old fashioned clinical accumen as well as the latest developments in the field of neurology.His relaxed and warm manner are remarkable.I would highly recommend .
Gurnoor Kaur
He is a very well experienced and disciplined doctor who is ready to serve his patients at any time. My experience with doctor Amandeep has been very great and I think he is the best neurologist I have ever looked up to??
Lakhbir Kaur
Dr Amandeep is a very humble and nice doctor. Listens each and every complaint in detail and gives best treatment, one must consult him..
Jagmehak Kaur
A very good doctor who gives you an honest opinion and no unnecessary prescriptions. The medicines given help you get fit soon
Pavleen Kaur
Wonderful experience with Dr. Amandeep singh. I
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