Dr. Amit Sen is Top Psychiatrist in Safdarjung Enclave, Delhi. Dr. Amit Sen practices at Children First Mental Health Institute, A 2/35, Safdarjung Enclave, Delhi . Dr. Amit Sen is MBBS, MD, MRC (Psy), CCST . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Amit Sen on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Amit Sen has been practicing child psychiatry for 15 years. He proudly believes that he has ADHD.
As a child, Dr. Sen started by wanting to become a bus driver, changed to a doctor at an epiphanous moment, was driven to become a footballer through adolescent years, dreamt of being a rock star during medical college days till he realized that he had no talent for it, and finally reconciled to become a doctor after all.
After finishing medicine from AFMC Pune, he went to NIMHANS Bangalore for an MD in Psychiatry and had a blast for the next 3 years. A longish stint in Newcastle UK made him serious about life and proud of his country. Besides growing his family, he managed to get another 2 qualifications, one of them being in child and adolescent psychiatry.
Working with children, the football and rock music, dreams and aspirations, have all come together for him. Through the myriads of magical and fulfilling experiences, Dr Sen feels that he has developed empathy over the years and can connect to children and their families. In doing so, he hopes to make a difference, however little, in their lives.
Tarun Verma
Really a good doctor
Saurabh Singh
One of the best Doctor in our area
Nikhil Daga
He is nice and very good doctor
Meenu Mohta
He is very good doctor have nice behavior very co-operative with patients my good wishes with him
Sir . I am a soldier and served in many branch. Now 2018 I am category in sechzofrinia. But not in any santams of this diagnosis. Request give the santams
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