Dr. Anurag Pandey is Top Plastic Surgeon in , Delhi. Dr. Anurag Pandey practices at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Rajendra Nagar Delhi 110060. You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Anurag Pandey on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Anurag Pandey is a plastic surgeon associated with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi. He has a keen interest in cosmetic surgery which includes hair transplantation, blepharoplasty, facelift, rhinoplasty (nose job), dimple creation, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, gynecomastia (male breast), liposuction, tummy tuck and abdominoplasty, body contouring surgeries after massive weight loss, chin augmentation, fat grafting, hymenoplasty, vaginoplasty, lip reduction, botox and fillers, tattoo removal and scar revisions. He has numerous publications to his credit both in national and international journals. He is a trained microvascular surgeon dealing with cancer burn and post traumatic reconstruction, hand surgery and burns and post burns deformities. Dr Anurag Pandey believes in dedication to his patients which allows him to understand their needs easily.
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