Dr. Jagdish Patil is Top Physiotherapist in Chandan Nagar, Pune. Dr. Jagdish Patil practices at Medipoint Hospital, Shivraj Chowk, Near Bhaji Market, Off Pune-Nager Road, Chandan Nagar, Pune,Maharashtra - 411014 . Dr. Jagdish Patil is B.P.T.H . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Jagdish Patil on www.365doctor.in. Find Contact no/phone number, Ask Question, Find & write Dr. Jagdish Patil Reviews, Qualification, Dr. Jagdish Patil fees on www.365doctor.in.
Dr. Jagdish Patil is Physiotherapist in Chandan Nagar, Pune. Dr. Jagdish Patil practices at Medipoint Hospital, Shivraj Chowk, Near Bhaji Market, Off Pune-Nager Road, Chandan Nagar, Pune,Maharashtra - 411014 . You can find Contact no/phone number, Book appointment, Ask Question, Find & write Reviews, Qualification, Doctor Fees of Dr. Jagdish Patil on www.365doctor.in.
Dr. Jagdish Patil and team, passionate to offer physiotherapy and rehabilitation to the people facing various physical ailments. Dr. Jagdish Patil has a experience of 3 years in treating patients. The clinic also offers onsite physiotherapy treatments for patients suffering from immobility.
Dr. Jagdish Patil Physiotherapy offer - Spondylosis, Post Operative Exercises, Paralysis, All Neuro Muscular & Musculo Skeletal Disorder, Obesity, Stress Management, Joint Replacement Exercise, After Stroke (CVA), Neck Pain, Back Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Knee Pain, Ankle Sprain, Post Fracture Stiffness, Sports Injuries, Antenatal Care, Postnatal Care, Cerebral Palsy, Eegonomic Advice.
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The Physiotherapists are specially trained professionals to take care of your body movement.They diagnose and provide treatments to the patients who are having problems in the free movement of their body due to any injury or ageing. They help the patients to become physically independent. With the passage of time
the application of physiotherapy has increased. Today
physiotherapy is an integral part of patient care.
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