Dr.Kannan Vishwanath is Top Psychologist in Chembur, Mumbai. Dr.Kannan Vishwanath practices at Vishwam 8/B Postal Colony, Chembur, Mumbai 400071.India. Dr.Kannan Vishwanath is Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology,Chemical Engineer . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr.Kannan Vishwanath on www.365doctor.in. Find Contact no/phone number, Ask Question, Find & write Dr.Kannan Vishwanath Reviews, Qualification, Dr.Kannan Vishwanath fees on www.365doctor.in.
Dr Kannan vishwanath is a Psychologist along with that he is a social worker by hobby.Dr.Kannan Vishwanath is a Managing Director of Windsonn Exim Private Limited since 2007 till now.He is Innovative and results driven leader and entrepreneur Speaker.
He was nominated as The Top 100 Companies to work with in 2011 for Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited.
Services Psychology, International Trade Specialist by profession, entrepreneur speaker
Awards and Recognitions
Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited was nominated as The Top 100 Companies to work with in 2011
The European Quality Award 2008 on Behalf of Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited
The Bizz Award 2008 on behalf of Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited
The Green Business of Year Award 2010 AT EMERGING INDIA AWARDS presented by ICICI Bank and CNBC TV18 held at Macau in November 2010.The Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2011 from Asia Pacific Enterprises
The Golden Peacock National Quality Award 2012- Aanjaneya Lifecare Limited
The Council of Fair Business Practises – Jamnalal Bajaj Fair Business Practises Award 2013
It is one of the Best Hospitals, Run by a Brilliant Doctor and his team, although waiting list is there, You have to wait if you want good treatment. Humble with a professional approach.
Jagadish Kumar
You have very well coordinated and dedicated team of doctors and paramedics to manage all difficult cases. I really appreciate.
Shankar Gopal
The best hospital in the region. Very good care providers. Highly renowned and experienced doctors.
Hi There,I do not think that Dr Kannan Vishwanath is a real medical doctor. He is the owner of Rupus Global Limited a pharma firm that supplies medical products and export API.Dr Kannan Vishwanath was involved in a share holding fraud and IPO fraud.
I agree with @Sangita's comment here. Dr Kannan Vishwanath was involved in a big investors fraud where he defrauded 1000's of innocent small time investors. He did started (backdated) Hong Kong base company Windsonn Exim Private Limited to transfer the patent of Dr Datsons Lab.One can read the articles here:https://networkinfodomain.com/2021/12/how-kashi-vishwanath-and-his-son-dr-kannan-vishwanath-defrauded-100s-of-ddl-investors/
Ravi Kumar
It is one of the Best Hospitals, Run by a Brilliant Doctor and his team, although waiting list is there, You have to wait if you want good treatment. Humble with a professional approach.
Jagadish Kumar
You have very well coordinated and dedicated team of doctors and paramedics to manage all difficult cases. I really appreciate.
Shankar Gopal
The best hospital in the region. Very good care providers. Highly renowned and experienced doctors.
Hi There,I do not think that Dr Kannan Vishwanath is a real medical doctor. He is the owner of Rupus Global Limited a pharma firm that supplies medical products and export API.Dr Kannan Vishwanath was involved in a share holding fraud and IPO fraud.
I agree with @Sangita's comment here. Dr Kannan Vishwanath was involved in a big investors fraud where he defrauded 1000's of innocent small time investors. He did started (backdated) Hong Kong base company Windsonn Exim Private Limited to transfer the patent of Dr Datsons Lab.One can read the articles here:https://networkinfodomain.com/2021/12/how-kashi-vishwanath-and-his-son-dr-kannan-vishwanath-defrauded-100s-of-ddl-investors/
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