Dr. Mahima Wadhwa is Top Dermatologist in Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. Dr. Mahima Wadhwa practices at BJ-14 Shalimar Bagh, Near Shalimar Bagh Club, Delhi 110088. Dr. Mahima Wadhwa is MBBS, MD . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Mahima Wadhwa on www.365doctor.in.
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A qualified medcial practinioner -Dr Mahima Wadhwa – MBBS, MD skin-VD, founder of Dr Mahima Wadhwa Skin CliniQ, Skinved CliniQ, Skin, hair, laser and cosmetology centre, Shalimar bagh, delhi is one among the celebrated Dermatologists, having practiced the medical specialization for many years.
Dr Mahima Wadhwa skin CliniQ was established a while ago and since then, it has drawn scores of patients not only from in and around the neighborhood but also from the neighboring areas as well.
Dr. Mahima Wadhwa, a medical professional is proficient in identifying, diagnosing, and treating the various health issues and problems related to the field of dermatology. Dr. Mahima has the requisite knowledge and the expertise not just to address a diverse set of health ailments and conditions but also to prevent them.
As a trained medical professional, Dr. Mahima Wadhwa is also familiar with the latest advancements in the related field of medicine and aesthetic dermatology.
Services Skin Specialist
Vaishali Shukla
Ma'am I have intense dark circles around my eyes and my face skin is very dull compared to other body parts...
Yogesh Chauhan
Best Skin specialist I have ever met. Dr. Mahima Wadhwa skin clinic at Shalimar Bagh is one such place I want to recommend. I was looking for a Dermatologist in Shalimar Bagh for my skin allergy issues. Dr. Mahima did a great job, her treatment style is very rare to find nowadays. She is really good at her work and handles her patients very well. 5 stars from my side and best wishes for her future !!
Ik Mishra
Dr. Mahima Wadhwa is well Experienced Skin specialist doctor in Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. Such a best dermatologist, also very gentle and helpful in nature. Strongly recommend!!
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