Dr. Manohar is Top Urologist in , Chennai. Dr. Manohar practices at Opp to 4th T Blk Post Office 679, 11th Main Road, 36th Cross, 4th T Block, Opp to Post Office Jayanagar Bangalore 560011. You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Manohar on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Manohar is a Consultant Urologist in Bangalore. He holds his expertise in treatment and management of all Urological diseases like; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Bladder Cancer, Female Urology, Incontinence, Kidney Cancer, Paediatric Urology, Peyronies disease, Prostate Cancer, Recurring Urinary Tract Infection, Renal Transplantation, Sexual Dysfunction, Stone Disease, and Testicular Cancer. He is an experienced doctor and with his knowledge and skills he has treated a number of patients with satisfactory results. Attending workshops and seminars is something which helps him walk hand-in-hand with the new technological advancements in the field of Urology.
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