Neurologist Covers
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- Brain problem
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- Repair csf rhinorrhea
- Vagus nerve stimulation ( epilepsy )
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Worst neurologist
Indrapal Verma
Hello Dr.I am suffering from mirgi ke daure in last 5 month and second time yesterday come please suggest me best neurology. - Jalandhar, Punjab
Anil Sarvaria
Dr. Khanal is a dedicated doctor who gives full attention to the patients and gives ample time to the relatives od the oatients.
Kushal Mohan
Best doctor for neurological disorder. Treated my rare GBS syndrome.
Yanu Khanal
Best Hospital Treatment
Ankita Rai
Best doctor really expert in field.
Kundan Singh Adhikari
Hello Doctor I m suffering from left leg nerve pain. It was started 3 months back with acute pain. Still it's not gone completely pain is not there but can't walk properly and fast , has staggering in walk,Pls advise.