Dr. Minakshi Tiwari is Top Gynecologist in Laxmanpur, Payagipur, Sultanpur. Dr. Minakshi Tiwari practices at Sita Memorial Hospital, Laxmanpur, Payagipur, Uttar Pradesh 228001. Dr. Minakshi Tiwari is MBBS, MS . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Minakshi Tiwari on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Minakshi Tiwari, MBBS, MS is a renowned Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Sultanpur currently practicing at Suman Hospital Surgical & Laparoscopic Research Center located at 35, Gomti Nagar, Gola Ghat, Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh 228001 . Dr. Minakshi Tiwari is highly skilled and experienced in treating major and minor gynaecology and obstetrics diseases. Some of the best treatments provided by the doctor are gynaecology and obstetrics diseases treatment, adiana system treatment, breast examination procedure, copper t removal procedure, eclampsia treatment, family planning program etc.
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