Dr. Neha Khandelwal is Top Gynecologist in , Delhi. Dr. Neha Khandelwal practices at 8, Siri Fort Road, New Delhi - 110049 Sadiq Nagar Delhi 110049. You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Neha Khandelwal on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Neha Khandelwal is a Consultant Gynecologist at Sama Hospital, New Delhi. She specializes in Minimal Access Surgery, Infertility and Menopause. She is a Life member of FOXI, Indian Fertility Society and Indian Menopause Society. She has a stellar academic background, and takes keen interest in updating and refreshing her knowledge. Dr. Khandelwal has her expertise in treatment and management of menstrual abnormalities, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, vaginal infections, abnormal uterine bleeding, fibroids, HPV, incontinence, infertility, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and urinary tract infection (UTI). Dr. Khandelwal completed MBBS and Masters in Surgery from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Karnataka. She has also received special training in Reproductive Medicine and Embryology from Internal School of Medicine, Kiel, Germany.
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