Neurologist Covers
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- Brain problem
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- parkinson disease in marathi
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- Repair csf rhinorrhea
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My father has got 04 episodes /jerks stretched towards right in one hour on 16 march 2017 and was taken to SKIMS Soura Jammu and kashmir and the patient shows improvement after third day .he starts walking taking in narmal way.unfatunatelly in six day he gets one more episode of unconscious/ jerks stretches since then he is not able to talk.
Madhavi Ratnam
Consulted for Bell Palsy. He is one of the best neurologist in West Delhi. Examines patient very well and explains the patient in very calm way. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who has any neurological issue.
Knowledge Provider
Patient friendly behaviour, treat with patience, diagnose are good, tries to understand patient's actual problem than prescribed the treatment, thanks and regards
Soumen Jana
Very good and polite, listens to the patient. Diagnosis is also good, caring.
Amit Kumar
He is one of the best neurologist in Delhi NCR
Soumen Jana
Very good and polite, listens to the patient. Diagnosis is also good, caring.
Nice, friendly, knowledgeable, confident, experienced, energetic.
Satyapal Singh
Very polite doctor and gave good advice. Overall it was good experience.
Abhishek Rastogi
Good hospital with all basic facilities. Staff behaviour is good but management need to be bette
My son drug addict
My son drug addict
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