Dr. Shaloo Bageja is Top Ophthalmologist in , Delhi. Dr. Shaloo Bageja practices at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Rajendra Nagar Delhi 110060. You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Shaloo Bageja on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr Shaloo Bageja is an accomplished Ophthalmologist, practicing in New Delhi with almost 15 years of experience. As a clinician in Ophthalmology, she has handled several cases related to eye problems and this has not only polished her skills, but also made her an eminent personality in the world of Ophthalmology. Dr Shaloo Bageja is adept in performing investigative procedures like Fluorescein Angiography, Optical Coherence Tomography and also Ultrasonography of the Eye and the Orbit. Her areas of interest are cataract surgeries, glaucoma, lasik procedures, cornea treatment and oculoplastic surgery. She has also assisted various Oculoplastic Surgeries like Ptosis, Orbitotomies, Entropion, Ectropion, Skin and Mucous Membrane Graftings, Orbital Floor Fractures, Socket Reconstruction, Blepharoplasties, External DCR, Traumatic eyelid repair and also Canalicular Repair.
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