Psychiatrist Covers
- Depression
- Anger Management
- मानसिक रोग विशेषज्ञ
- Mental health
- Counselling and Stress management
- Suicidal behavior
- Mood disorders
- Psychiatrist near me
- Drug abuse and addiction
- Child and adolescent problems
- Schizophrenia
- Grief counseling
- Adolescent problems
- Loss of interest
- Personality assessment
- Low confidence
- Psychosexual problems
- Emotional outbursts
- Concentration problems
- Loneliness
- Loneliness
- Ocd
- Addiction psychology
- Early parenting issues
- Family therapy
- Complex trauma
- Mood disorders
- Abnormal
- unusual
- strange behavior
- Adult counselling
- Sleep disturbance
- Polysomnography
- Sleep study
- Violent Behavior
Dr. Shamala is money minded, unprofessional, . No privacy of clients. As soon as you pay her money, she will start showing her unprofessional behaviour. I will suggest not to visit her. She is educated but not for this role as "Psychiatrist".During our sessions she seemed uninterested and didn't pay any attention. I hope nobody goes through what I went through when I needed a guide.
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