Dr. Sidaarth Khera is Top Dermatologist in , Delhi. Dr. Sidaarth Khera practices at Ambika Vihar 305, 307,308 , Paschim Vihar Paschim Vihar Delhi 110087. You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Sidaarth Khera on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Sidaarth Khera is a Dermatologist at Bhatia Global Hospital & Endosurgery Institute, New Delhi. He specializes in conditions related to hair, nails, skin and its diseases. Conditions like thinning of nails, sunburn, split ends, bed sores, acne, chickenpox, dermatitis, genital herpes, eczema, melanoma and hair-fall are taken care of by Dr. Khera. His medical excellence helps him deliver better and faster results at the highest level of efficiency. According to Dr. Khera, each and every patient is different and he takes an approach which he feels is beneficial for the patient.
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Looking for biofibre hair transplant
Hair loss from front line and side line