में सर्वश्रेष्ठ उरोलोजिस्त की सूची December, 2024 - डॉ संपर्क नंबर प्राप्त करें
When you book an appointment with the leading urologist in Roorkee, you are guaranteed inclusive diagnostic and treatment services for a wide range of urological conditions. Whether its skills or experience, these Delhi based medical professionals are fully capable of evaluating and treating urologic disorders. Patients with kidney stones are treated effectively using minimally invasive stone removal techniques and medically evaluated for any risk factors involved with the persistent formation of stones. Some of the prominent services urologist in Roorkee offer include uro-dynamics, uro-oncology, female urology, endourology, andrology and more. At 365doctor, you get to fix an appointment with your urologist on the basis of experience, consultation fees, and qualifications at zero cost. Visit the website of our calling team will help you book appointment at 365doctor.
उरोलोजिस्त इन समस्याओं को कवर करते हैं
- Urologist near me
- मूत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ
- पेशाब में जलन उपाय
- Blood in Urine
- Kidney stones
- Urinary tract infection (uti)
- Incontinence treatment
- Ureteroscopy
- Endourology
- Prostate laser surgery
- Urinary incontinence surgery
- Cystoscopy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Minimally invasive urology
- Chronic urinary tract infections
- Open prostatectomy
- Urinary tract obstruction
- Vasectomy
- Reconstructive urology
- Urology minimally invasive
- Urinary incontinence (ui)
- Dialysis / haemodialysis
- H.i.v
- Subincision
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (turp)
- Transurethral incision of the prostate - tuip
- Male hypogonadism
- Sexually transmitted disease (std)
- Couples therapy
- Pediatric Urology
- Urologic Oncology
- Male Sexual Problems