Best Kidney Renal Function Test in Amritsar - 2025 UPDATED
Kidney Renal Function Test Cost in Amritsar start from Rs.200 to max Rs.2000.
With the increasing number of diseases and their impacts on humans, the Pathology labs are getting more active and are providing several advanced services to diagnose the diseases with ease. In the present scenario, doctors also advice to first detect the disease by getting the necessary tests done and only after that the medicines should be taken. If the medicines are prescribed wrongly then it will exacerbate the situation. The leading pathology labs for Kidney Renal Function Test of the Amritsar have partnered with us to provide the users with the leading facilities to examine the disease properly. So, go through our website and search for the required pathology for Kidney Renal Function Test in Amritsar and book tests to avail discounts!!!!
" This railway station is the most important railway station of North India. All trains are available from all over India, like Haryana Himachal, Delhi, Punjab, Uttarakhand etc. Trains are available in all the states. Parking facilities here are separate for parking here. There are separate departments such as motorcycle parking is separate from the car, it is separate from the rickshaw. For rickshaws autos facilities canteen separately available at the dinner that conducts time tea time Provide. " - Rahul Kumar
" One of the major railway station in Punjab. You can get a train to Attari border from here .Nice railway station with good facilities. You can get local trains and long distance trains from here. Also bus stand is near to it so you can get a bus to your destination place. Hotel and restaurant are also available near the railway station so you don't have to go far for it. " - AKASH DEEP KATIYAR
" This centre has latest and best tecnology.My relative came for a scan and they made the right diagnosis and saved her life.V helpful staff. " - Sharanjit Kaur
" Undoubtedly the most advanced diagnostic centre in the city. Convenient location. Professional staff and dedicated consultants. Highly recommended. " - Swapan Nagpal
" Has latest CT heart angiography with high accuracy results. fast results and helps accurately to tell if bypass is required or stenting is needed or nothing is needed.I came for my mothers angiography and they guided me correctly. " - Kirandeep Kaur
" This centre has latest and best tecnology.My relative came for a scan and they made the right diagnosis and saved her life.V helpful staff. " - Sharanjit Kaur
" Undoubtedly the most advanced diagnostic centre in the city. Convenient location. Professional staff and dedicated consultants. Highly recommended. " - Swapan Nagpal
" Has latest CT heart angiography with high accuracy results. fast results and helps accurately to tell if bypass is required or stenting is needed or nothing is needed.I came for my mothers angiography and they guided me correctly. " - Kirandeep Kaur
" Today I called them to get information about my relative's report and they were very friendly and cooperative... I impressed with their service.. Thanks all team of this scanning centre " - singh sony
" Patients and hygiene have a nice arrangement, but there is no drinking water facility ... no arrangement of even eva disposable glass .... " - Gurpreet singh
" Best,Dhillon Scanning centre is the old and the largest scanning center in Punjab. Established in 1984 by Dr Tejinder Singh Dhillon, Ex Professor of Radiology, Medical College, Amritsar,the center has been the leader in using the modern technology and most uptodate equipments throughout all these years. The last few years saw a sea change in technology and the center has added to its diagnostic armamentariun,Ultra fast open MRI, Multi slice spiral C.T, 3D-4D Colour doppler Ultra sound machines, Digital X Ray, Digital mammography and Path Lab etc " - Dhillon Scanning centre