Dr. HIBA ALI is Top Dentist in Mananchira, Kozhikode. Dr. HIBA ALI practices at Doha Complex, Red Cross Road,Opp. Tagore Centenary Hall, Vellayil, Mananchira, Kozhikode, Kerala. Dr. HIBA ALI is Dental Surgeon . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. HIBA ALI on www.365doctor.in. Find Contact no/phone number, Ask Question, Find & write Dr. HIBA ALI Reviews, Qualification, Dr. HIBA ALI fees on www.365doctor.in.
Dr Hiba Ali is a Dental Surgeon-graduated from “YENEPOYA DENTAL COLLEGE ” under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health & Sciences in the year 2004.After gaining considerable experience under senior ,well experienced dental surgeons she started “Dentique” Dental Clinic and Specialties center in Kozhikode ,Kerala, India.
She frequently keep herself updated about the recent developments in dentistry by regularly attending seminars and refresher courses. Her expertise in aesthetic and implant dentistry started off with a Fellowship in Aesthetic and Dental Implants Surgery from NOBEL BIOCARE in the year 2007.Ever since she has performed numerous dental implants,full mouth rehabilitation and aesthetic dentistry procedures including smile design,dental crowns,dental bridges,dental veneers and dental laminates. Pediatric dentistry procedures,orthodontics procedures and general dentistry procedures like extractions,root canal treatments,scaling and polishing,teeth whitening,braces are routinely done at the clinic.
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