Dr. Nitika Puri is Top Physiotherapist in Sector 82, Gurgaon. Dr. Nitika Puri practices at H4, Unit 9, Ground Floor, Vatika INXT, Sec-82, Gurgaon. Dr. Nitika Puri is BPT . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Nitika Puri on www.365doctor.in. Find Contact no/phone number, Ask Question, Find & write Dr. Nitika Puri Reviews, Qualification, Dr. Nitika Puri fees on www.365doctor.in.
Currently running PhysioCare Clinic in Gurgaon offering wide range of treatments for all types of physical pains, with advanced electrotherapy & exercise therapy equipments.
• Overall 5 plus years experience including Orthopaedic, Neurological, Cardiopulmonary and treating post surgical cases
• Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy; with strong credentials & honors.
• Strong skills in using physiotherapy equipment and recommending therapeutic exercises resulting in 95% recuperation rate for clients suffering from musculoskeletal issues
• Expertise working with patients in a variety of settings including hospitals, long-term care and private homes
• Experience designing physical treatment programs to maintain, improve or restore patients physical functions, alleviate and prevent physical problems and pain
• In depth knowledge implementing physiotherapy programs including IFC, Ultrasound, TENS, Cervical/Lumbar Traction, therapeutic exercises, massage and hydrotherapy
Services Orthopedic cases, sports injuries, Arthritis, low back and cervical cases, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow
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The Physiotherapists are specially trained professionals to take care of your body movement.They diagnose and provide treatments to the patients who are having problems in the free movement of their body due to any injury or ageing. They help the patients to become physically independent. With the passage of time
the application of physiotherapy has increased. Today
physiotherapy is an integral part of patient care.
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