Dr. Priya is Top Psychiatrist in Chromepet, Chennai. Dr. Priya practices at Deepam Hospitals, G.S.T. Road No.107A, G.S.T. Road Chromepet Chennai 600044. Dr. Priya is MBBS, MD . You can Book Online Appointment, Consult with Dr. Priya on www.365doctor.in.
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Dr. Priya is Psychiatrist in Chromepet, Chennai. Dr. Priya practices at Deepam Hospitals, G.S.T. Road No.107A, G.S.T. Road Chromepet Chennai 600044. Dr. Priya is MBBS, MD . You can find Contact no/phone number, Book appointment, Ask Question, Find & write Reviews, Qualification, Doctor Fees of Dr. Priya on www.365doctor.in.
The psychiatrist empanelled at the Deepam Hospitals in Chennai is Dr Priya. She completed her MD in psychiatry after her graduation. She specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health and emotional problems. Dr Priya believes that mental health is the fundamental to overall health and productivity.
My brother seems like some mental problems....
Mentally upset
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