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Top 10 Best Psychologist in Paris
France | Posted by 365Doctor | 13-08-2023 | Comments
Best Psychologist in Paris
1- Ha Thanh TRINH - psychologue Paris 14e
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 9 Rue Ernest Cresson, 75014 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 69 37 01 82
2- Claire J. Robertson
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 22 Rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 8 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 59 01 12 98
When you don’t feel like yourself, everyday life can seem more difficult. It may be that something has happened recently and no matter how hard you try, you are having trouble getting to grips with it. Perhaps something from the past has resurfaced, or you are finding that the small things are getting you down more than usual. You may be feeling sad, stressed, angry, frustrated or alone. Whatever the reason, asking for help is one of the best things that you can do.
3- Francis Merson, English-Speaking Psychologist
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 6 Rue de Lyon, 75012 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 10 am Mon
Phone: +33 7 66 55 02 27
I began my training at the University of Sydney, where I graduated with the University Medal in Psychology. I received a further Masters of Clinical Psychology from the University of Technology Sydney. I have worked as a clinician at the Anxiety Disorders Clinic of St Vincent's Hospital, at the Centre for Mental Health at Concord Hospital, both in Sydney, and in a range of private settings. I am a registered psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia and a fellow in Abnormal Psychology at the University of Sydney. I am a member of the Australian Psychology Society and the British Psychology Society. I was awarded the Australian Psychology Society Prize in 2015.
4- Psychologist - Boris Charpentier
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 8 Rue Saint-Marc, 75002 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 8 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 08 84 78 10
Boris Charpentier est psychologue et coach installé à Paris Centre.Dans l’objectif de susciter un véritable changement, il utilise un panel d’outils thérapeutiques innovants, adaptés à chaque patient et dont l'efficacité est validée par des essais cliniques : EMDR, Thérapies Cognitives et Comportementales - TCC - , PNL, Psychologie Positive.
5- Virginie Coulombe Psychologist Psychotherapist Paris
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 68 Rue de Rivoli, 75004 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 64 79 11 93
6- Psychologue Paris 7
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 16 Rue de la Comète, 75007 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 1 42 88 49 61
J’aide les personnes en souffrance psychique chronique mais aussi celles qui se trouvent dans une période difficile de leur vie personnelle ou professionnelle. Si vous souhaitez consulter pour une dépression, une douleur existentielle, pour des angoisses ou toute autre difficulté psychique, vous pouvez entreprendre une psychothérapie au cabinet ou en ligne. Entreprendre une psychothérapie et même appeler pour demander une consultation est parfois très difficile et nécessite du courage et un véritable effort. N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour un premier échange et je vous aiderai à exprimer vos inquiétudes.
7- Psychologue Paris 12 - Alexandre MERGUI
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 44 Av. Daumesnil, 75012 Paris, FranceHours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 7 67 47 75 36
Je suis Psychologue et psychothérapeute situé à Paris. J’accueille en consultation les adultes et les adolescents faisant face à des troubles psychologiques ou des difficultés passagères. Ces troubles peuvent concerner aussi bien la vie personnelle que la vie professionnelle.
8- Nathalie Cahen Psychologue Paris 16
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 12 Rue Léonce Reynaud, 75116 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 15 10 41 86
9- Clément Le Coz
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 38 Av. Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 83 88 88 06
Je ne fais pas partie des psychologues acceptant le dispositif de remboursement sur prescription. Mais certaines mutuelles remboursent les séances. Je vous conseille de vous renseigner auprès de la vôtre.
10- Tanguy BODIN HULLIN - Psychologue - Psychothérapeute - Paris 10
Psychologist in Paris, France
Address: 39 Bd de Magenta, 75010 Paris, France
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 am Mon
Phone: +33 6 52 82 89 67
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