Home Remedies For Dengue
Health | Posted by 365Doctor | 01-09-2016 | Comments
Dengue is the disease caused by the family of viruses which are transmitted by mosquitoes. Symptoms of the disease can be headache, fever, joint pains, swollen glands and rashes. Dengue requires a full medical treatment but along with this you can also use some home remedies to decrease the complications associated with the disease.
Following are some of the home remedies for the dengue or we can say ayurvedic treatment for dengue:
Papaya juice is also beneficial for the dengue fever. The juice of papaya leaf is known to cure the platelet deficiency. The patient can take two tablespoon daily of this juice to control the fever.
Holy basil or Tulsi is also known for its defensive action against the diseases. Take 10-12 leaves of basil and chew them twice in a day. You can also make a decoction of the leaves by boiling them in water. Take this water atleast 3-4 times in a day. It will help to boost the immunity.
The roots of the cassia tree are also helpful to reduce the dengue fever.
Leaves of the Dhatura plant are also useful to reduce the seriousness of the dengue fevers.
Coriander leaves are useful in the treatment of dengue fever. So add these leaves into the dishes or you can also make the decoction of these leaves.
Tea made from the fenugreek seeds is also taken to reduce the fevers. It helps to sooth down and cleanses the system.
Orange juice is also helpful during dengue fever, it help in the process of digestion and also increase the urinary output. Because of a rich source of vitamin C, it promotes the antibodies and helps in quick healing and recovery.
Take the foods which are easy to digest and which do not put a load on the digestive system of the patient. Take porridge, baked veggies and soups because they are easy to digest and rich in nutrients.
Avoid the fried and spicy foods. Tea made up of ginger and cinnamon is also helpful to reduce the fevers.
To increase the blood counts take the pomegranate juice or cranberry juice. Along with these tips some precautions should be taken to avoid the occurrence of diseases like dengue.
It is very important to keep mosquitoes out from the home premises. You can use the mosquito repellent coils and creams.
Avoid being outdoors at the dawn, dusk and early evening when more mosquitoes are out.
Wear the protective clothing. When you go into a mosquito infected areas, wear long sleeved shirt, long pants, socks and shoes.
Drink plenty of water in order to replace the fluid loss. Water will also help to remove the toxins from the body.
Take the foods which boost the immunity. Take the homemade vegetable soups, 3-4 almonds, 1 walnut, fresh fruits, juices and oilseeds every day.
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